If you have not registered, you must initially register by clicking the register email address link to the left side of this page.
If you have registered before but forgotten your password, select the "Request password" link and the system will email you a temporary password, which you are required to change on next login.
Important: If you registered in the previous version of the UGA ESRI Software and License Distribution Site, your password was not retained in the new version, so before you can log into the new version, you must request a new temporary password by selecting the "Request password" link on the bottom left side of this page.
Note: You should only use this site to order ESRI software and/or licenses if you are a University of Georgia (UGA) employee. If you are an employee of another University System of Georgia institution or any other organization and need to purchase ESRI software and/or licenses or if you are a UGA employee with questions about how to use the site, please email esri@itos.uga.edu or contact Geoffrey Garland at (706) 542-0246.